A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

To Whoever it may concern,

First of all I would like to apologise for this as it may appear to most people very unprofessional but I am in serious need of someone's help and I really hope that the Internet may provide an answer for my questions. As you all may already be aware but tragedy had stuck in Adventure Bay a couple of years ago, something that haunts the residents still to this very day, a fire broke out in the early hours of one morning at the infamous PAW Patrol Lookout but as we had worked quickly to put out the fire we were still too late. Authorities immediately arrived to help but as they had put out the last embers and went inside to rescue however there were no survivors. Only the charred remains of the brave pups were salvaged which meant that there was still one member missing.

This brings to my next question: Where is Ryder?

I have spent the past couple of years trying to find any traces of him but its like he had vanished into thin air!

If he wasn't in the Lookout when the fire broke out then what happened to him and where is he now?

Please find in this file of all the things that I had managed to find so far, some things may be encrypted but I hope any detectives out there will help. I am still convinced that Mayor Humdinger may have something to do with this!

Please help!


Mayor Goodway

07: We are in desperate need of your help, we need you people of the Internet to group together and help us solve this case. The Lookout has been left in ruins for a year now and the people of Adventure Bay are in eternal grief of the crime that has been committed. The pups are long gone, nothing more than stories told by the locals and Ryder is still missing - also presumed dead...it's up to you to find him and bring him home...

06: '...said the research caused “extreme suffering” in its test subjects, who “had their brains mutilated in shoddy experiments and were left to suffer and die”...

...suffered “extreme psychological distress” from the “crude surgeries”...

...exhibiting substantial psychological effects from the experiments...'

05: "...is it enough to emulate just the brain? Do we need to emulate the whole brain? Can a mind operate without a body? Does the body have to be emulated too?

Digitizing a brain means scanning it somehow. The most accurate scans are destructive, where a brain is treated and sliced into very thin slices, which are then reconstructed.

mind uploading would be a form of copying and not transfer. In other words, no matter what you do your current consciousness will die when your brain does. The uploaded mind is a copy. It will believe it's you, and it will think exactly as you would. It would have all your memories and experiences, assuming that the technology works that is. Yet your subjective experiences and consciousness will end. Even if mind uploads are done after your natural death, the original you is gone."

04: "Maybe you hear it. A low frequency hum, almost a vibration, just on the threshold of human hearing. It’s not particularly loud. In fact, you might not have even noticed it yet – but once you do, you can’t stop hearing it. It sounds like a truck, idling on the street in front your house. Or the atmospheric din of an airplane flying overhead, that never gets further away. You can hear it when you’re outside, but it seems louder indoors, and particularly at night, when you’re lying in bed. Maybe it keeps you awake. Maybe it causes you headaches, dizziness, even nosebleeds.

If you do hear it, you’re among the roughly 4% of the world’s population affected by “the Hum”, a frequently reported but little understood global phenomenon. The earliest reliable reports of the Hum date from the UK in the mid-1970s, most notably from Bristol, when letters began appearing in the Bristol Evening Post about a low rumble heard by dozens of residents throughout the city. What began as an irritating if innocuous noise eventually drove many who heard it to distraction, and was said to be linked to two suicides. A prevailing theory was that the Bristol Hum originated from large industrial fans used at a warehouse in nearby Avonmouth. But according to some Bristolians the Hum persists to this day, despite the warehouse having long been decommissioned.

...is there something larger at play here? A number of natural theories have been proposed over the years, all of which have a certain poetic sublimity to them. At an Institute of Biology conference in 1973, it was suggested the jet stream shearing against slower-moving air might cause a very low frequency sound which could then be amplified by electricity pylons. In 2015, a team of French scientists proposed that the Hum was caused by ocean waves extending down to the ocean floor, and shaking the Earth as they collided with ridges and continental shelves. Other scientists have suggested vibrations caused by volcanic eruptions and earthquakes might be responsible (the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883 left the Earth reverberating for days)."

03:  A mysterious app seemed to have appeared that is somehow connected to the Humdingers, perhaps this is their latest attempt to show off their "revolutionary project"?

02: You are getting close now...

01: Thank you...


07-pc.zip 41 MB
07-mac.zip 35 MB
06-mac.zip 33 MB
06-pc.zip 39 MB
05-mac.zip 42 MB
05-pc.zip 47 MB
04.mac.zip 42 MB
04-pc.zip 47 MB
03-mac.zip 37 MB
03-pc.zip 42 MB
02-mac.zip 32 MB
02-pc.zip 38 MB
01mac.zip 37 MB
01pc.zip 42 MB